Cold Water - LIVE On Unbound!

Well, this is exciting! My second submersible book, Cold Water, has just launched TODAY over on Unbound (the world’s first crowdfunding publisher with 3 Sunday Times bestsellers last year)…

Join myself and my two older brothers, Calum and Robbie – the Wild Swimming Brothers (world-first swimmers of a 90-mile river and two Norwegian maelstroms) – for an off-kilter family travelogue, exploring wintry English lidos, Icelandic bays and Guernsey gorges. Learn more about how to train, condition yourself and reconnect with your body through mindful cold exposure. Meet ice swimming veterans (Colin Hill, Anna-Carin Nordin) and countless grinning newcomers, across five years of seasonal swims and conditioning, juggling everyday stresses and the belly-flop of the Covid pandemic.


I’m really proud of this one and excited to work with Unbound into the future. This is a natural follow-up to my first book, Swim Wild (Yellow Kite Books). Cold Water offers both experiential and expert insight for aspiring outdoor swimmers and future cold water converts. Find out how to source urban training spots, discover the best nutrition for cold swims, learn how to manage the ‘afterdrop’ and ‘deep water fear’, meet expert coaches with advice to hone your technique and learn exactly what happens to your body during cold water immersion. And, all of this while we build-up to an Ice Km and Ice Mile – two of the most brutal challenges that exist in outdoor swimming.

Pledge now on Unbound’s website for signed hardbacks, bobble hats, other exclusive cold water goodies and even a chance to get your name in the book!


'Brave New Waters' - Article In Outdoor Swimmer


Hardbacks, Paperbacks, eBooks Out Now! (The Machine)